Saturday, December 15, 2012

Couple Book Recommendations

Read both of the following books for my book club and they were great. 

First up, Sworn To Silence by Linda Castill. 
This is a murder detective type novel.  It centers around the chief of police in a small town with a large Amish population.  The chief happened to be Amish once herself.  The story revolves around a serial murderer.  I loved most everything about this book, the characters are great and well established, it is suspensful, and a smooth easy read.  If there was any complaint, the book is very graphic.  Disturbingly so.  I would still recommend it and my understanding is there are more by this author with the main character in them, that I most definitely want to check out. 

Next up is They're Watching by Gregg Hurwitz.

This was such a good book with so many turns, you will be shocked what is going on all along and you will not see it coming!  It is about a screenwriter who starts recieving mysterious cd's in the mail letting him know he's being watched.  He quickly learns that his every move is being monitored and special instructions start coming in that he most decide wether to comply with or risk the consequence.  It will take you to the very end of the book to learn what is happening, so good!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The reminder I needed

Parker learned to ride a bike!  Just jumped up one day, age 9, and said I want to take my training wheels off.  It's not something we've ever pushed, we have plenty to work with with him and he could of cared less, didn't even touch the bike for a year.  So, we were quite surprised.  He got it, probably the 3rd or 4th try.  It was such a reminder when I worry about things that Parker will most likely get to it when he wants too.  When he has the desire and determination.  And it's just not going to matter if that's at age 5 or age 9 in the long run with most things.  True to Parker form, and boy did I learn this the hard way, it's on his clock and forcing him when he's not ready is just painful.  I don't even want to think about those potty training days, when I finally came to this realization! 

Book Review: Me Again by Keith Cronin

I seriously need someone else to read this and explain to me the reviews.  I feel like I'm on crack at this point, almost 5 stars and I'm just not getting it.  The book was so nothing, I felt like I could of wrote it.  Perhaps the only good thing about the book was it was free from the Amazon lending library, but I just wish I got what 117 reviews are talking about, because I'm at a loss!  So boring. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cooper turns 6 and loses the big one

So, I'm very behind, but September 21st my baby turned 6.    It's amazing how in the last month he has grown up so much from starting Kindergarten, let alone the last year.  I can't say I don't miss the little guy that was sweet as sugar and loved me like no other, but seeing him become his own person more everyday is pretty awesome too.  He has lots of attitude and is never wrong, much like his Dad.  He loves school, loves it.  He tells us things about it Parker never mentioned in 5 years, lol!  Cooper played soccer this fall, and is looking forward to basketball this winter.  He's bigger then any kid out there and the least aggressive, but is all heart.  His favorite things are playing Wipeout, magnatiles, Angry Birds, and creating things in his room. Right now it is a school John and I have to attend every night and our teacher is Mr. Lee (Lee is his middle name).  It's been a store, a restaurant, an art gallery, always something!

Here are some pictures from his birthday.  Instead of a "big" party he choose a night at a water park hotel.  We are going in a few weeks.  We did have several get togethers to celebrate though and he was well spoiled. 

In other big Cooper news, he lost his top tooth!!  :(((  This is very sad for John and I.  I don't know, but it is one of those things we associate with him getting older that affects us.  John is usually not sentimental about this type of thing, but the top tooth even does it for him.  Not the best picture and he needs a haircut desperately but you get the idea here.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

New School Year

Parker started 3rd grade this year (CI class, with mainstreaming for science and social studies plus specials) and Cooper started Kindy! Same school, all day, what to do with myself, right?   September is crazy busy, so I'll worry about that in October.

This picture is at the school open house. Parker is showing Cooper around the school. It was very cute.
First day of school!
Overall they are doing great.
     Parker, who does not like school and will tell you how much he hates it if you ask, has adjusted without issue. There was lots of anxiety over the summer because he was going to be taking the bus home a few days a week. It was hard for me not to cave, especially when I can pick him up so easily. I've tried the bus in the past and have not been successful, he'd stress all day and not learn.  But his brother really wanted to take the bus, so we thought it was only fair. Having Cooper to sit with along with a piece of gum in the backpack seems to be doing the trick to ease his anxiety a bit. I've very proud of him.
     Cooper, who has always adored school and would ask why he didn't get to go more while in preschool, is exhausted. He enjoys school itself, but the nights have been rough. Crying, whiney, talking back, behavior issues, stuff we've never really dealt with, with him, much. He's never gone to school all day before though and it is only day 3 today, so I'm sure he will adjust soon. He is loving it at least! He's not use to having so much less time at home either. Through in soccer for the first time as well, and it's a lot to get use too. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Book Review - Dark Places by Gilian Flynn

Third and final book by this author. This one was rather, dark, so the title is rather fitting. It is about an adult woman researching the murder of her family when she was 7 years old by her brother. I think not only is the murder itself disturbing obviously but some of the characters, including the main one at times. It was probably by least favorite of all 3 books by the author but that is just because they are all so good, not because it was a bad book. I purchased all these on my Kindle, a rarity for me, and they were well worth it.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Review - Finding Emma by Steena Holmes

I borrowed this book free from Amazon's lending library. It has 4.5 stars and won some award as well, so I was excited to have access to such a "great" book free. It is about a family who's daughter/sister is kidnapped at age 3. The book is 2 years later. I'm a little dumbfounded by the hype. While not a bad book, it could not have been more predictable. The characters were not complex or interesting, I barely garnered sympathy for a mother who's child was kidnapped, the book was so lightweight in depth. Didn't do much for me, but I appear to be in the minority.